Finding Mean Median And Mode In Excel For Mac

This Excel tutorial explains how to use mean, mode and median to measure Central Tendency.

How to Use Excel to Find the Mean, Median & Mode Ranges. Microsoft Excel 2010 is designed to store numerical inputs and permit calculation on those numbers, making it an ideal program if you need. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Excel Central Tendency

Central Tendency is a statistics term to describe the central point of probability distribution. Central Tendency can be measured by mean, mode and median. Bluestacks no internet connection. This tutorial explains how to use Excel to measure mean, mode and median using Excel formula.

Arithmetic Mean

Mean Median And Mode Calculator


Arithmetic Mean is also known as mean or average. Simply speaking, it is sum of all numbers and then divide by how many numbers that you have summed.

There are two kinds of mean in statistics – population mean and sample mean, represented by the following notations.

= population mean

= sample mean

Population mean is to average all numbers, while sample mean is to average part of the population. For example, we want to study if U.S. citizens like Obama, apparently we cannot ask everyone in the U.S., instead we just ask some of the people (sample) and then use the result to estimate how all the U.S. citizens (population) think.


In Excel, use the Function Average to calculate mean.

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For example, from cell A1 to A6, we have the following data set.


The mean of these numbers =AVERAGE(A1:F1)

The result is 3.5

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Finding Mean Median And Mode In Excel For Mac



Place all the observations in order (ascending or descending) and find the data in the middle point.

If the number of observations is odd number, we can easily find the middle point. In the below example, 3 is the median.


If the number of observations is even number, sum up the two values closest to the middle point and then divide by 2.

In the below example, median = (3+4)/2 = 3.5


Most of the surveys use Median instead of Average, for example, household income. The reason is that we want to avoid extreme cases such as Bill Gates’s income, which would shift the average income higher than our expectation (See the below right skew diagram). Therefore median is a better measurement of central tendency for this case.


Given a data set from Range A1 to A6 as below


Apply formula =Median(A1:A6)

The result is 3.

Note that you don’t have to sort the data yourself before you apply Median, just select the range of data.



Mode is the most frequently occurring value in the data set.


In Excel, use Mode Function to find Mode.

For example, from cell A1 to A6, we have the following data set.

Finding Mean Median And Mode In Excel For Mac Shortcut


Apply formula =Mode(A1:F1)

The result is 1

Mean Median And Mode Definitions

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